Smart home devices offer a ton of benefits, from improving security to saving energy and adding convenience to our daily routines. In other words, your home can be just as smart as you are (almost).
Partner With UsHomeowners Insurance 101: Named Insured
Policy changes, filing claims, and more. Here’s what you need to know and why you should double-check your policy to ensure all the right people are listed.
The Evolution of Home Insurance in America
The next time you adjust your smart thermostat or tell Alexa to turn on the lights, take a second and appreciate how far we’ve come since the Wild West Insurance days.
5 Tips for a Safe Super Bowl Party
Whether you’re a die-hard football fan or just in it for the commercials, it’s always fun to gather around with friends and family for the big game. But before you gear up, let’s touch on 5 safety tips.
Vacay Vibes: 8 Tips to Protect Your Home When You’re on Vacation
Whether you’re off to explore sandy beaches or conquer the mountains, the last thing you want to worry about is your home being burglarized. Here’s what to know.
Riding Out the Storm: Your Guide to Tornado Safety
Tornadoes are like the rockstars of severe weather – they can spin up out of nowhere and leave a trail of chaos behind. Here’s how you can prepare.
Water Damage and Flood Insurance: What’s Covered
Water damage can be a real pain in the pipes. And a standard policy doesn’t cover flood damage. So what’s covered?
10 Thanksgiving Disasters and How to Outsmart Them
Thanksgiving is a time to gather and share blessings with family and friends, but extra people around the table often means increased risk for homeowners.
Fall Back Safely: How Daylight Savings Time Affects Your Home and Insurance
This Sunday, we’ll set our clocks back and savor an extra hour of sleep. But beyond the gift of time, DST brings some important considerations for homeowners.
Understanding Flood Insurance: Why Every Homeowner Needs It
Flood insurance, the unsung hero of home protection, often takes a back seat in homeowners’ minds. But it shouldn’t.