Riding Out the Storm: Your Guide to Tornado Safety

Jan 30, 2024Insurance, Storm Prep

Tornadoes can occur at any time, but “tornado season” generally runs from March through June, with May typically having the most storms.

And being prepared is key to staying safe. Tornadoes are like the rockstars of severe weather – they can spin up out of nowhere and leave a trail of chaos behind. These swirling vortices of wind can be unpredictable, but that doesn’t  mean we can’t be ready for them.

1. Tornado Basics 101:

First things first, let’s understand our foe a bit better. According to the American Red Cross, A tornado is a tube of spinning air that forms from a thunderstorm and touches the ground. Tornados are dangerous. They can knock down buildings, uproot trees, move vehicles and destroy things in their path. Heavy rains, lightning, flash flooding, and hail are possible.  

2. Staying Informed

The first rule of tornado safety? Stay informed. Thanks to our trusty smartphones and weather apps, getting the latest updates is easy and usually only a fingertip away. Be sure to keep an eye on weather forecasts, and if your area is under a tornado watch, be on high alert.  

When a warning is issued, it’s time to kick things into gear. This means a tornado is near, there’s danger, and it’s time to move to a safe location immediately.  

3. Create a Tornado-Ready Zone

Ever heard of a tornado-safe haven? If not, it’s time to designate one in your home. A basement or storm cellar is ideal, but if you don’t have one, head to the lowest level and find a small, windowless interior room. The key is to stay away from windows, doors, and outside walls. Think of it as your own little tornado fortress—no windows, no problems. 

4. Emergency Kit Essentials

Picture this: the power’s out, the wind is howling, and you’re huddled in your safe zone. What’s the one thing you wish you had? An emergency kit! Pack it with the essentials: bottled water, non-perishable snacks, a flashlight, batteries, a first aid kit, and any necessary medications. You may not need to use it, but you’ll be happy if you have it in case.  

5. Practice Makes Perfect

Preparing for the unexpected is all about practice. Familiarize yourself with your safe zone, have occasional tornado drills with your family, and make sure everyone knows the plan.  

6. Storm Shelter Etiquette

If you live in an area where tornadoes tend to pop up often, you might have access to a community storm shelter. If so, familiarize yourself with its location and rules. It’s like having a VIP pass to safety. And remember, it’s not just about you—help your neighbors, especially those who may need assistance. 

7. Be Prepared

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, winter has a way of throwing surprises. Know where your main water shut-off valve is located, just in case you need to act fast to prevent any potential disasters. 

8. Don’t Be a Daredevil

Now, I know it’s tempting to be a storm chaser in your own right, but let’s not get carried away (pun intended). If a tornado is looming, stay put and stay safe. Leave the thrill-seeking to the experts. 

Remember, being prepared doesn’t mean you’re paranoid; it means you’re smart. Stay informed, create your tornado safe-haven, pack that emergency kit, and practice your tornado drills. With these tips, you’ll be ready to ride out the storm like a true weather warrior. Stay safe, friends!