Lighting Up Hanukkah: A Swyfft Guide to a Safe Celebration

Dec 1, 2023Seasonal

Happy Hanukkah from Swyfft! As you light the menorah and spin the dreidel, we want to make sure your holiday season is not only filled with joy but also safety. Here are some smart and fun tips to keep your home and loved ones safe.

1. A Safe Haven for the Hanukkiah: Place your menorah on a stable, non-flammable surface. Keep it away from curtains, drapes, or any other potentially flammable materials. LED candles are a fantastic alternative for a flame-free celebration.

2. Dreidel Drama-Free Zone: If you have little ones playing the dreidel game, ensure that small dreidel parts are kept out of reach of pets and small children. We want your Hanukkah celebration to be full of joy, not swallowed dreidel pieces!

3. Oil Wisdom: If you’re deep-frying those delicious latkes or making sufganiyot, exercise caution in the kitchen. Keep a close eye on the oil temperature, and have a fire extinguisher handy—just in case. An oil-fueled miracle is one thing, but a kitchen fire is quite another!

4. Miracle-Ready Decorations: Deck the halls with Hanukkah decor, but be mindful of where you place lights and decorations. Avoid overloading electrical sockets and keep wires away from high-traffic areas to prevent tripping.

5. The Gelt Shuffle: If chocolate gelt is part of your celebration, be mindful of where you scatter it. While it’s a sweet treat for humans, it can be harmful to pets. Keep the chocolate goodies out of their reach and opt for pet-friendly treats instead.

6. Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel—Securely: Make sure your dreidel-playing area is clear of any potential hazards. Create a safe space for family and friends to enjoy the game without the risk of tripping over objects or furniture.

7. Hanukkah Happiness, Not Hazards: If you’re hosting gatherings, make sure your guests know about any potential hazards, such as steps or uneven flooring. The focus should be on laughter and joy, not unexpected tumbles!

8. Cozy Candle Moments: Whether you’re lighting candles for Hanukkah or just for a cozy ambiance, never leave them unattended. Always extinguish candles before leaving a room or going to bed.

9. Festival of Safety”: Consider this your annual reminder to check your smoke detectors. They’re the unsung heroes of home safety, and we want them ready to alert you to any mishaps, be they culinary or otherwise!

10. Oy to Joy: In the midst of the celebration, remember that joy and safety go hand in hand. May your Hanukkah be filled with warmth, light, and the peace of mind that comes with a well-protected home.

From all of us at Swyfft, wishing you a Hanukkah filled with love, light, and a home that’s as safe as it is festive!