10 Tips: Survive 72 Hours Without Electricity

Apr 12, 2023Storm Prep

Eeek! Who turned out the lights? Another storm, another power outage – but having no electricity doesn’t have to be scary. Here’s some practical tips to survive without electricity for 72 hours.

Store Plenty of Food and Drinks 

Stocking up on food is easy, but stashing the right kind of food and drinks is imperative. Here’s some items we suggest:  

  • Dried food and nuts 
  • Canned food or any other ready to eat food (and a can opener) 
  • Dried and frozen camping food 
  • Ready to make oats and soups 
  • Breakfast bars and granola 

    The food and drink you choose to store should be nutritious and easy to prepare.  

    Have a First Aid Kit Nearby  

    Your first aid kit should have the essentials like bandages, band-aids, antiseptic cream, tweezers, sterile gloves and more. When assembling your kit, store items in an airtight plastic bag and place your entire disaster kit in our or two easy-to-carry containers (like a duffel bag or plastic bin). 

    Check out our Storm Prep Safety and Checklist page for tips on building your entire disaster kit. 

    Jot Down Important Information 

    Preserve your phone’s power during a power blackout since it’s your only lifeline. Write down important information like phone numbers and addresses of places you might get help from in case your phone dies.  

    Pro Tip: Laptops can be used as a power source when the lights go out. Make sure to charge them regularly.  

    Invest in a Portable Power Bank 

    Portable power banks are a great way to charge your phone and other devices when needed. You can take them anywhere, which makes them a great addition to your disaster kit. We suggest looking for a solar-powered bank option. This way the power bank can recharge itself when the storm clears.  

    Invest in a Portable Generator  

    A portable generator can be an excellent option for back-up power and provide you with:  

    • Reliable back-up power 
    • Portability 
    • Recreational benefits 

    Different appliances have various wattages, so make sure you know what your portable generator can provide power for.  

    Keep Small Emergency Equipment Around 

    Things you should consider including in your list of emergency equipment include: 

    • A lighter or matches 
    • A flashlight and extra batteries 
    • Several candles 
    • A whistle (one that can be heard even over the worst storm)

    Stash Personal Care Items 

    While it may not be the first thing on your mind, it’s important to stay clean and comfortable even when you don’t have power. Make sure you have enough clean clothes and socks as well as any medications you might need. Our advice – make a checklist to be sure you don’t forget anything! 

    Stay Cool 

    Close off the warmest rooms in your house. If there’s a room with two outside walls that gets warmer than the rest of the house, close the door. And this might seem obvious, but wear thin and loose-fitting clothing. Having a portable generator can provide back-up power to run your core electrical appliances like your HVAC system.  

    Keep Things Light & Lively  

    You can still have fun and survive without electricity! Board games like monopoly, chess, and checkers are a great way to pass the time. Reading a book or playing a musical instrument are other fun options. Don’t know how to play? It could be a great time to learn.  

    Check On Your Neighbors 

    Communicate with your neighbors (even in campsites or trailer parks) to see if they are doing okay. If you have a portable generator and your neighbor doesn’t have one, you could offer help and vice versa.  

    If you made it to the end, you’re a pro! It’s possible to survive without electricity for short periods of time, and now you have all the tips and tricks you need.