10 Easy Ways to Prevent Home Burglaries During Summer

Jun 28, 2023Home Hacks, Seasonal

As temperatures rise, so do the unfortunate occurrence of break-ins. Stats show home burglaries surge by as much as 10% during the summer months – making July and August the hottest months for burglaries.  

Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to help beef up your home’s security and prevent break-ins – so the only thing you’ll have to worry about this summer is where you put the sunblock.

1. Light up your home, even when you’re away:

A well-lit home creates an illusion of occupancy, deterring potential burglars. Invest in timers or smart bulbs to automate your lighting system. Program them to turn on and off at different times throughout the day to give the impression that someone is home, even while you’re away.

2. Reinforce doors and windows:

Ensure your doors and windows are secure with sturdy locks. Consider installing deadbolts, security films, or window bars for an added layer of protection. Reinforcing these entry points can significantly discourage unauthorized access.

3. Don’t forget the garage:

Many homeowners overlook the garage when it comes to home security. Secure it by installing a heavy-duty lock and reinforcing the door. Also, avoid leaving the garage door opener visible in your car, as it can be an invitation for burglars.

4. Maintain your yard:

A well-maintained yard not only adds beauty to your home but also acts as a deterrent to potential burglars. Trim bushes and hedges to eliminate hiding spots. Consider installing motion sensor lights near entry points to catch any suspicious activity.

5. Be discreet with vacation plans:

While it’s exciting to share your vacation plans with friends and family, it’s important to be discreet online. Avoid posting specific dates or your location on social media platforms. Save the vacation photos for when you’re back home to avoid signaling an empty house to potential burglars.

6. Secure your spare key:

Don’t leave spare keys hidden under doormats or flowerpots; these are the first places burglars check. Instead, give your spare key to a trusted neighbor or invest in a keyless entry system. Some modern systems even allow you to remotely grant access to trusted individuals.

7. Virtual presence:

Create the illusion that your home is occupied. Use smart home technology to schedule lights, TVs, or radios to turn on and off at different times. You can even ask a trusted neighbor to collect your mail or use a service to pause mail delivery. A lively and bustling home will make burglars think twice.” 

8. Install a home security system:

Investing in a comprehensive home security system can provide peace of mind throughout the summer season. Choose a system that includes surveillance cameras, motion sensors, and an alarm system. Many modern security systems can be accessed and monitored remotely via smartphone apps, allowing you to keep an eye on your home wherever you are. 

9. Hide your valuables:

Keep your expensive items out of sight from prying eyes. Close your blinds or use curtains to prevent outsiders from seeing into your home. Store valuable jewelry, electronics, and important documents in a safe or a hidden location that burglars are unlikely to find. 

10. Get to know your neighbors:

Develop a strong sense of community by getting to know your neighbors. Organize a neighborhood watch program or join an existing one. Having trusted eyes watching over your home can deter criminals and create a safer environment for everyone. 

 The most stolen items during a home burglary are generally cash, electronics, gold, jewelry, and medications. In addition to the 10 tips above, you can help protect yourself from burglaries by ensuring you understand your home insurance policy and that your coverage limits accurately reflect the replacement cost of your items. If you’re unsure, be sure to speak with your Insurance Agent to learn more and update your homeowner’s insurance policy if needed. 

Peace of mind is priceless. 

By implementing these 10 simple home safety and prevention tips, you can enjoy a stress-free summer knowing your home is secure from unwanted visitors. Here’s to a safe, fun and unforgettable summer!